Launch Day Checklist
Packing list:
- Tarp
- Stakes for the tarp
- Gloves for anyone touching the balloon
- Helium bottle (2)
- Helium regulator
- Balloon filler
- Lift scale
- Fish scale (backup)
- Tether - Tank to balloon
- Tether - tank to scale
- Tether - scale to filler neck
- PVC coupler
- Duct tape
- Packing tape
- Electircal tape
- Zip ties heavy
- zip ties light
- side cutters
- wrench for regulator
Balloon and payload
Payload contents
Prepare the balloon
- Setup tarp and stake
- Attach regulator and filler to the helium tank
- Attach Tethers
- Insert PVC coupler in the ballon neck
- Fasten with zip ties
- Ensure payload attachment loops are attached in the zip ties
- Attach the balloon to the filler
- Tape to the filler with electrical tape
- Attach scale to tethers and test
Ready payload
- Ensure batteries are in holders and secured in payload
- Ensure cameras are operational and memory cards are wiped
- Attach batteries to cameras
- Test quick recording and play back
- Attach cameras to the cones and tape in place
- Power on trackers
- Test tracker / verify communcation
- Attach to the payload box
- Power down
- Attach batteries to payload box
- doublecheck payload harness is secure
- Attach payload(s) to rigging line
- Attach rigging line to parachute
- Attache parachute to balloon
- Ensure the payload train is laid out down wind so the balloon picks it up as it rises aftr launch
- Make sure if found info is labeled on the outside and included inside (ziploc)
Ready to launch
- Review who is doing what
- Make sure everyone knows the process
- Answer any and all questions NOW
- Fill balloon
- Ensure the balloon is managed by people and or bed sheet / blanket over it
- Anyone touching the balloon should be wearing nitril / vinyl gloves
- validate lift per calculator
- Ensure payload is powered on
- Ensure payload is secured (packing tape)
- Doublecheck rigging lines are secure and tug tested
- Payload harness to rigging
- Rigging to parachute
- Parachute to balloon neck
- Pickup all non essential gear and move out of the way
- Zip tie above filler neck (2x) and tape
- Detach tape sealing ballon to the filler
- Zip tie below filler neck (2x) and tape
- Detach tether for scales
- Double check lift one last time first
- Move the baloon clear of anything
- Pictures
- Countdown
- Release