Pre-work / pre-launch
- Add camera mounts in the payload (top and sides)
- Mount external temp sensor and route wires to the logger
- Mount VHF antennas / dowell rods
- Moxon
- Di-pole
Ready the tracker(s)
- Other?
- Load batteries in the battery holders for the tracker
- Attach antennas to tracker(s) (HF and VHF)
Charge large battery packs
Data logger plugs into main battery pack
Ready Cameras
- Validate settings
- Ensure SD card is wiped
- Ensure they record a test video
Make rigging lines for filling and safety
- Two tethers for filling and moving to flight pad
- Rigging for payload attachment
- Release loop
Load everything needed for launch
- Battery
- Student data loggers(s)
- Tracker(s)
Action Camera(s)
- Battery(s)
- SD card
- Connect to battery(s) pack
- SD card(s)
Power splitter
If found contact note
Weather check / go no go
Prediciton calculation / go no go
Validate location of launch based on wind prediciton and / or other hazards
Contact local airport FAA / tower
Day of launch
Weather check / go no go
Prediciton calculation / go no go
Setup filling station
- Stake tarp
- Unload tanks
- Ground tank
- Setup filler
- Ground stake in the dirt
- Ground wire attached to filler
- Setup rigging lines w caribeaners and attach:
- To tank
- To dumbell(s)
Undo balloon bag rubberbands
Set up launch pads
Attach line to weight
Ensure team has their task list
Layout payload
- Layout payload downwind
- Kiteline to parachute
- Attach rigging line to parachute
- Rigging line to payload harness
- Attach 360 cam
- Attach rigging harness to payload
Power on battery pack(s)
Power on tracker
- Ensure pings are working on APRS and WSPR
Power on student data logger
Ensure all items are secure (duct tape where needed)
Setup cameras
- Plug into power
- Secure in camera holders
- Power insta360
Run prediction and share content / go no go
Monitor ADS-B for plane traffic
Fill balloon
Gloves on for anyone handling the balloons
Unroll balllon from UV bag
Attach neck to filler and tape
- Add 3 zips to balloon neck semi snug
- Attach zip - safety harness 1 to weight at filling station
- Attach zip - safety harness 2 to tank
- Attach payload rigging tether to zip
- Open gas and fill balloon semi slow
- Once tank is empty start sealing process
- Move top zip up and seal tight
- Clip excess
- Tape sharp ends
- Move second zip up and zip tight with safety harness to weight
- Undo tape on filler nozzle and remove filler
- Zip payload harness zip
- Clip excess
- Tape sharp ends
- Tighten final zip
- Clip excess
- Tape sharp ends
- Zip bottom of neck to above top zip
- Clip excess
- Tape sharp ends
Move ballon to launch location
- Balloon handler will bring their weight and harness to the fill location
- Clip launch pad weight to balloon
- Unclip fill weight harness
- Walk to launch location
Attach payload train to the payload harness
Confirm payload train is downwind and untangled with little slack
Fill next balloon(s) as directed above and move to launch pad(s)
Confirm tracker telemetry being recieved from balloon(s)
Confirm clear ADS-B for plane traffic
Unclip weights holding payload rigging
Countdown / release!